
Experiences, Walk

Torcularium & La Mella

12 Sep , 2016  

Scheduled for September the sixteenth to eighteenth 2016:

Guided visit to Los Robles roman torcularium. 16-17/Sep/2016

In this two hour and a half walk to the end of bulevar neiborghood will talk about archaeological findings at northern town’s growth in Jaén.

Walk ends at Los robles park, wich aspect in 2007 was:


Counterbalance mill’s rock.



Partial view of torcularium’s pressing area



Main view of Jaén in February 2007 from Los Robles



Museographical temporary proposal for a “piscis pool” at the fructuaria pars. February 2007



Venus found in Los Robles site and exposed at provincial museum.


Walk to La Mella.

Make a click on the picture!

Mirando la mella desde el sur

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