

Changes in the path.

26 Aug , 2016  

We are re-inventing ourself these days…

Allthesechangeswill be added to thiswebsitesoon too. Schoolcoursebeginswithseptember, time forgettingnakedandstartwalkingagain. Weknowwhatwedon’twantfor Jaén’s lands, so fordodgingitwe are investingstrengths in preservingresouecesandfindingheritageidentitylinkswith local community.

For a more respectful and accessible aproach, new developes should come through two concepts:

Freelance tourism: gaining freedom and versatility for organizing and a better alignment with Arqueonatura’s first goals. And…

Low-cost: performing low impact activities for small groups, in exceptional places in which you, and only you will decide the price at the end of the visit.


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