This ravine is home of one of the biggest European Pistacia terebinthus woods. The seeds of this wild familiar to pistachio tree are called “granillo” locally, and now a days it is foodstuff for mountain goats and flock of sheep in this area, while in the Middle East is used to prepare “zaatar” in cookery . The appendix with horn shape (cuerno in Spanish) is a defence against insect larvae and gives the shrub its local name (corneta).
It’s a hard climb to the jurassic island of Torcal, but even harder the la cuerda path upto Carluco mount pass, being the choosen entrance to the spectacular alluvial Perú’s ravine.
* What do werefer to with “low-cost walks”?
· Low impact · Designed for small groups of people · Exceptional places · Things as they are (even if painful) · Only if benefits local community · You, and only you decide the price after the visit.
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