We’ve been listening around that new transport & mobility, production & consumption models are needed, but there are really few actions to get involved in sustainability to bring effords togeher
Thinking global, acting local can awake minds and activate habits in peoples around, so that we invite you to take part in next activity in which we are collecting rubbish from nature. It’s been designed by SEO/birdlife and ecoembes for Spain, and organized by ArQueoNatura.org in Jaén’s surroudings. Please help us sharing in your social nets! We want to meet many people up there.
The place chosen for cleaning is part of local identity. Climbers, hikers, families and visitors enjoy this space frecuently. Besides the area is full of history, being an ever changing stage from calcolithic times through iberians, romans, middle ages and even 21st century. .
If you live around or are planning a visit to Jaén next Saturday, do not miss the event!
Date & time: Saturday June the 16th 2018, 10:30-12:30
PLace: Picnic area in the road to Saint Catherine Castle, inside peri-urban natural park, Jaén
Inscriptions needed: https://proyectolibera.org/proximos-eventos/proximas-recogidas/Ja%C3%A9n
Facebook event to share: https://www.facebook.com/events/865503526966295/
We are waiting for you! will you come?
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